
Securta Services

What is sikorta in Turkey?

The sikorta is a social security for everyone who wants to work legally in Turkey, where the employer pays the sikorta in favor of the worker, whether he is a foreigner or Turkish, but the foreign worker must obtain a work permit first and then register on the sikorta, and if the employer hires the worker without A work permit will be fined 8000 Turkish liras, and the worker will be violating 1,000 Turkish liras and depriving him of work as well.

What are the conditions for obtaining a work permit or sikorta in Turkey:

Anyone who holds a temporary protection card or has a permanent or temporary residence permit can obtain a work permit or sikorta provided that he is over the legal age in Turkey (+18) and obtains a work permit, whether he is a company owner, partner or regular employee.

Features of work permit in Turkey:

  • The holder of a work permit is entitled to apply for Turkish citizenship after 5 years of obtaining it.

  • The work permit holder can benefit from discounts in private hospitals by more than 75% and in public hospitals by 100%, and (father - mother - husband - wife - children) benefit from these discounts, as long as they have residence or as a king in Turkey.

  • The work permit holder gets the minimum wages and salaries in Turkey if he is employed in a company.

  • Children have the opportunity to enter public schools and universities for free

There are many questions about the method of obtaining a work permit and what papers are required, but it differs from obtaining a work permit from a company or when establishing a company, so if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us to answer all your inquiries.

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